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Although most chapters in the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment (AMA Guides), Sixth Edition, instruct evaluators to perform impairment ratings by first assigning a diagnosis-based class and then assigning a grade within that class, Chapter 13, The Central and Peripheral Nervous System, continues to use a methodology similar to that of the fifth edition. The latter was criticized for duplicating materials that were presented in other chapters and for producing different ratings, so the revision of Chapter 13 attempts to maintain consistency between this chapter and those that address mental and behavioral disorders, loss of function in upper and lower extremities, loss of bowel control, and bladder and sexual function. A table titled Summary of Chapters Used to Rate Various Neurologic Disorders directs physicians to the relevant chapters (ie, instead of Chapter 13) to consult in rating neurologic disorders; the extensive list of conditions that should be addressed in other chapters includes but is not limited to radiculopathy, plexus injuries and other plexopathies, focal neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome, visual and vestibular disorders, and a range of primary mood, anxiety, and psychotic disorders. The article comments in detail on sections of this chapter, identifies changes in the sixth edition, and provide guidance regarding use of the new edition, resulting in less duplication and greater consistency.

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