The AMA Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codebook lists specific codes that can be used for impairment ratings, and in some industrial cases insurance carriers require an impairment rating determination at medical stability for which a CPT code is needed. For billing purposes, an impairment rating performed by the treating physician usually is considered an extension of the treatment process (office visit, medical records review, diagnostic studies, current physical findings, and a written report). A table in this issue of The Guides Newsletter shows current nonspecific CPT procedure codes; if the report does not conform to the established criteria as outlined in the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, (AMA Guides), the evaluating physician may not be entitled to reimbursement. A work-related or medical disability examination involves taking a medical history commensurate with the patient's condition, examination, diagnosis, assessment of capabilities and stability, calculation of impairment, development of a treatment plan, and completion of documentation or certificates and report. Treating physicians who perform the examination can bill this work using CPT code 9455; CPT code 99456 applies if a nontreating physician performed the work (the code is used for each 30-minute increment). AMA recommends tht payment for these codes be dependent on the complexity of the case, the time required in the evaluation and report writing, and the value of the examiner's time.
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