It must be emphasized, however, that even though the Guides is mainly written by medical doctors for medical doctors and others permitted to do impairment evaluations, nonphysician evaluators may analyze an impairment evaluation to determine if it was performed in accordance with the Guides.
It must be emphasized, however, that even though the AMA Guides is mainly written by physicians for conducting impairment evaluations, non-physician evaluators may analyze an impairment evaluation to determine if it was performed in accordance with the AMA Guides.
This page is designed to provide you with easy access to the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment 6th Edition, 2022 tables.
Jump to Chapter:
Chapter 1: Conceptual Foundations and Philosophy
Chapter 2: Practical Application of the Guides
Chapter 3: Pain-Related Impairment
Chapter 4: The Cardiovascular System
Chapter 5: The Pulmonary System
Chapter 6: The Digestive System
Chapter 7: The Urinary and Reproductive Systems
Chapter 8: The Skin
Chapter 9: The Hematopoietic System
Chapter 10: The Endocrine System
Chapter 11: Ear, Nose, Throat, and Related System
Chapter 12: The Visual System
Chapter 13: The Central and Peripheral Nervous System
Chapter 14: Mental and Behavioral Disorders
Chapter 15: The Upper Extremities
Chapter 16: The Lower Extremities
Chapter 17: The Spine and Pelvis
Combined Values Table
Burden of Treatment Compliance
B-1: Burden of Treatment Compliance
B-2a: Oral, Intranasal, Ocular, Skin
B-2b: Inhaled, Rectal
B-2c: Points for Subcutaneous, IM, Intradermal, IV, and Intracavitary Medication
B-3: Points Assigned For Dietary Modification
B-4: Points Assigned for Procedures