This page is designed to provide you with easy access to the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment 6th Edition, 2008 tables.
Jump to Chapter:
Chapter 1: Conceptual Foundations and Philosophy
Chapter 2: Practical Application of the Guides
Chapter 3: Pain-Related Impairment
Chapter 4: The Cardiovascular System
Chapter 5: The Pulmonary System
Chapter 6: The Digestive System
Chapter 7: The Urinary and Reproductive Systems
Chapter 8: The Skin
Chapter 9: The Hematopoietic System
Chapter 10: The Endocrine System
Chapter 11: Ear, Nose, Throat, and Related System
Chapter 12: The Visual System
Chapter 13: The Central and Peripheral Nervous System
Chapter 14: Mental and Behavioral Disorders
Chapter 15: The Upper Extremities
Chapter 16: The Lower Extremities
Chapter 17: The Spine and Pelvis
Combined Values Table
Burden of Treatment Compliance
B-1: Burden of Treatment Compliance
B-2a: Oral, Intranasal, Ocular, Skin
B-2b: Inhaled, Rectal
B-2c: Points for Subcutaneous, IM, Intradermal, IV, and Intracavitary Medication
B-3: Points Assigned For Dietary Modification
B-4: Points Assigned for Procedures